Medical Administration Job Search Success Stories
See how job seekers like you used iHireMedicalSecretaries to advance their career.

I really like this website. I have tried many other websites and have done fairly well with them, but I prefer the design and the ease of including my information on this website.
Rochelle W.It showed me job opportunities that I couldn't find elsewhere.
Amy C. | Oklahoma City, OKWith all the alerts I was able to put plenty of applications out. Thank you
Lorie | Aurora, COThe sight was so easy to use and it tracked all listings on one sight instead of me having to check multiple sights daily. It is very well organized. I will with out question use this sight again.
Teresa | Traverse City, MIiHireMedicalSecretaries sent emails that were constantly encouraging me to keep applying for jobs everyday.
Louise J. | San Luis Obispo, CAI was a really pleased with this site because it was quick and easy.
Paulette P. | Durham, NCUsing iHire allowed me to search for and apply for employment opportunities near me. They constantly updated me when new jobs became available. The process was very easy. I'm proud to say that through the site I made viable connections, had multiple interviews and found a position that fits my needs! I highly recommend this site.
Dorothy B. | Chadds Ford, PAThis website is exactly what I was looking for. I hope to find a job through your site, and if so I will definitely recommend you to everyone I know interested in the medical field.
Megumi R.Excellent companies on this site. I was employed in one month and I am still in my field!
Allison | Marietta, GAI was able to find a successful full-time position using iHire. I am extremely happy with my new position and success.
Nicole N. | Tempe, AZiHire helped me to have confidence that I would find a great job. Thanks!
Dena B. | Lehigh Acres, FLI want to thank everyone who was helping me find my new job closer to home. I start work in two weeks. Thanks again. I will recommend this site to everyone I know.
Heather C. | Bridgeport, PAiHire has helped me in perfecting my resume and has helped me make connections in the workplace.
Omar D. | Pasadena, CAI am very pleased with this website. I had my doubts at first, but once I started going further into it I start feeling it. This website offers you so many opportunities to get your resume out to other employers. It also help you narrow down your job search so that you can find the perfect job you are seeking for. Thanks-A-Million!
Ashley T. | Houston, TXWow! I'd looked on my own for 10 months without finding a job. Finally I joined this group, sent my resume to 3 offices, got a call, and interviewed the next day. 3 days later, I had the job!
Linda | Rocky Mount, NC